Plip Plop
2019/2020 - 9 months
3D Adventure game with sandbox and infiltration elements
Pitch :
The player embodies Plip plop, a character of playdough who can possess and become any object of their environment. They live on an island, which has been invaded by a club of rich tourists. To get them out, Plip plop invades their lives, steals the club's belongings, and wreak havoc in the installations.
Organization of people and tasks. Coordination with school staff.
Organization of workflow and keeping an eye on milestones.
Coordination with external providers.
Game art
Modelisation props for the game.
Team :
Héloïse BREON - Game Producer & Game Art
Dorian BEAUGENDRE - Game Art and FX
Hugues TOURNEUR- Game Design and Sound Design
Gaêtan CLOAREC - Level Design
Louve "Rackover" HURLANTE - Game Design and Game Prog
Louis PERDU - Game Prog